La biodiversité au Golf de Servanes - label écologique

Certifications in support of the ecological transition

The ecological transition is a central concern at Golf de Servanes. Combining respect for nature, regulatory constraints and economic issues is a challenge to which we have been committed on a daily basis for several years now.

Silver Label from the French Golf Federation's Golf Program

Golf de Servanes has been awarded the prestigious Silver Label by the French Golf Federation’s Golf for Biodiversity program under the aegis of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle for its commitment to biodiversity. In fact, the club has implemented a series of actions such as :

  • Conservation of a herbaceous layer and differentiated mowing
  • Conservation of remarkable trees
  • Respect for the ecological calendar
  • Creation of alternative micro-habitats
  • Preservation of heritage species

From working with local partners to actively managing invasive species and creating a variety of habitats, Golf de Servanes stands out for its holistic and responsible approach to environmental management.

GEO CERTIFIED Golf de Servanes

Golf de Servanes has been awarded the GEO (Golf Environment Organisation) label, a European recognition of respect for the environment based on the quest for continuous improvement of our standards in the following areas: nature, water, energy, the supply chain and the community. We adhere to very precise specifications, particularly with regard to the quantities of soil improvers and plant protection products used each year.

We have created natural areas outside the game, to give back its place to flora and fauna. This label complements the FFgolf biodiversity label.

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